William and Ava did not know how to react to their son, Carter’s, most recent escapade. Well, it was more than a trivial incident – he had been out partying with friends and got an underage drinking ticket. They knew the situation was serious. Not only was he drinking, but now he had a citation to deal with. William and Ava feared the ticket would mark Carter’s record forever. Let’s look at what they can do to handle their child’s underage drinking ticket.
Underage Drinking Tickets Are Serious
And parents should treat them as such. This type of behavior cannot be excused away as “boys will be boys” or “all kids drink.” It’s still a crime in the eyes of North Carolina law enforcement officers.
It’s critical that parents whose children receive an underage drinking ticket contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Ignoring the ticket or thinking you can handle the situation without legal advice could make a bad situation even worse.
Understand What Type of Ticket Your Child Received
Underage drinking and related behavior could break several laws, including:
- Consumption or possession of alcohol by a person who is less than 21 years old (North Carolina Statutes Section 18B-302(B)).
- Fraudulent use of identification to obtain alcohol. ((North Carolina Statutes Section 18B-302(E)).
- Driving by a person less than 21 years old after consuming alcohol or drugs (underage driving while impaired) (North Carolina Statutes Section 20-138.3).
Your attorney can better explain the severity of your child’s citations.
What Are the Potential Consequences of an Underage Drinking Ticket?
Underage drinking by itself can lead to fines, community services, and loss of driver’s license. But consider this: underage drinking often leads to other crimes. Kids whose judgment is impaired might drive while impaired, commit crimes, and cause property damages.
Also, alcohol use can lead to “fighting, academic problems, truancy, unprotected sexual activity, unwanted sexual advances, illegal activity and other illicit drug use.” A citation could lead parents to wonder what they can do about their child’s underage drinking as well as their underage drinking ticket.
Dealing with a Child’s Underage Drinking Ticket? We Can Help.
You can consider it a wake-up call. While pondering the potential consequences of your underage drinking, you still have to deal with the legal system. It is best if you talk to an attorney who understands how to defend an underage drinking charge.
Attorney Leslie Craft has the experience you need to deal with underage traffic violations. Ms. Craft’s goal is always to help her clients get past their legal problems and get on with their lives.
To schedule a free personal consultation, call Craft Law Offices at (252) 752-0297 or email us at le************@gm***.com. My offices are located in Greenville, Morehead City, and Rocky Mount for your convenience. I also represent clients in surrounding Eastern North Carolina communities, including Warrenton, Elizabeth City, Roanoke Rapids, Goldsboro, and Jacksonville.