What they Didn’t Teach You in Driver’s Ed

Drivers ed car

Tips for New Drivers

Your baby is all grown up and driving now! Though it’s exciting, it can be stressful – here are some tips for the road that they don’t teach in Driver’s Education, but everybody should be aware of.

  1. Just because the car ahead of you has its turn signal on doesn’t mean they plan to turn or merge – they could have accidently left it on. Be careful when changing lanes to pass them so you don’t put yourself or drivers around you at risk for an accident.
  2. The highway’s left lane is used for fast vehicles and passing other drivers. If you’re going the speed limit, you should stay in the right lane. If you find yourself in the left lane and someone rapidly approaches you from behind, merge into the right lane.
  3. If your windshield wipers are on, your headlights should be on.
  4. Always use your turn signal when turning, merging, and changing lanes.
  5. Make sure to accelerate on freeways.
  6. Make sure you learn how to use a four-way stop and understand that many people don’t know how to use a four-way stop.
  7. Check both ways more than once. It won’t hurt you and ends up being beneficial more often than not.
  8. Practice defensive driving, not offensive driving. Many people don’t abide by the rules of the road, which can be frustrating. If you’re aware, you’re safer.

Craft Law Offices offers a variety of traffic services and offers a free consultation if you need us. If you find yourself with a traffic ticket in Pitt, Nash, Edgecombe or Wilson County, we can help you resolve your case fairly and quickly, contact us today at 252-752-0297.