Every year, you have to make sure that your vehicle registration is up to date. This includes getting your vehicle inspected, paying taxes, and getting a new tag. But what happens if you do not update your tags?
If you get pulled over for having expired tags, chances are you will get a warning – especially if they have not been expired for a long time. However, you run the risk of being fined. The amount of the fine will depend on how long it has been since your tags have been expired. It can also result in a misdemeanor offense on your record, and you may have to appear in court. If you decide to skip court, then the DMV will likely suspend your driver’s license.
You do not have to be driving to get fined for having expired tags. If you are parked, you can still be fined! This goes for expired tags, not having your tags displayed, or no tags at all.
After your tags have been expired for 6 months or more, the risk increases. Rather than a warning or a fine, you run the risk of your car being impounded. You will not be able to get your vehicle back until you renew your registration (the inspection, the taxes, and the tags) and pay any and all fines associated with the expired tags and impoundment.
If you get pulled over repeatedly with expired tags after they have been expired for more than 6 months, you could face potential jail time. Though this is a possibility, it is unlikely. You will most likely be issued a criminal traffic citation and have to go to court.
Though expired tags may not seem important, they are important for your safety and the safety of other drivers. Plus, the consequences and risks do not seem worth it. Craft Law Offices is here to help with your traffic violations. Schedule your free consultation at craftlawoffices.com or call 252-752-0297 to speak with Leslie Craft, today.