Does Social Media Negatively Affect Your Bankruptcy?

You might not think that your social media accounts and posts could be used against you in a lawsuit, but attorneys can actually use them to collect evidence in cases.

Social media gives people the opportunity to connect with family and friends. Many people share a lot of personal information on social media, maybe too much information. So, remember this, social media platforms are public, and you need to assume that a bankruptcy trustee may look at your accounts to see if you are being honest.

With a quick search, you can find out plenty of information about someone using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Keep in mind that whatever you post on social media is there forever and can be used against you by trustees or creditors involved in your case.

When you make the decision to file for personal bankruptcy, you are required to truthfully share all your financials, including income, expenses, assets, and debts. If you leave things out, like a newly purchased boat, but share a photo of the boat on your social media, attorneys can use this against you. Or maybe you forgot to include your part-time job of refereeing rec league games when listing your income.  Whatever the case may be, if your financial disclosures are not accurate, it can harm your bankruptcy case.

When you file Chapter 7 or 13, what you purchase while your case is pending is extremely important, and there are rules and guidelines to follow. That is, you cannot spend money on irrelevant things while also not fully paying your creditors. Furthermore, purchasing expensive items or vacations and then posting about them can lead to problems.

Typically, trustees are not using social media platforms to investigate you and see what you are posting, but resentful creditors may try this tactic. Therefore, the best practice is to be truthful about your financials so that your bankruptcy filing goes smoothly.

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy protection, Craft Law Offices can help. With over 30 years of experience, we are prepared to handle your case efficiently and effectively. We will make sure your petition is complete and accurate at filing. Schedule your FREE consultation today,