10 Need-to-Know NC Traffic Laws

It’s hard to know every law in your state – there are just so many of them! We’re bringing you 10 of North Carolina’s need-to-know traffic laws that you may have never heard of so you can stay safe on the road.


  1. If you’re in a minor accident with no injuries, North Carolina law requires that you move your car over to the side of the road. This allows traffic to continue and makes it safer for the people involved in the accident. Failure to abide by this law can result in fines, and you could be taken to court.
  2. You aren’t allowed to park your car on a North Carolina highway, in front of or near private driveways, intersections, or fire station entrances. This includes when you’re in your vehicle. The only reason your vehicle should be in one of these places is if it can’t move.
  3. Texting and driving is illegal, but talking on the phone and driving is illegal for drivers under 18.
  4. If you’re passing law enforcement or an emergency vehicle with its lights on, you are legally obligated to move over one lane. If you cannot do that, you are required to slow down. Failure to do so can result in a $250 fine.
  5. I’m sure you know that you’re required to wear a seat belt, but your passengers are too. If your passengers aren’t wearing seat belts, it can result in a $25 fine (front seat) or a $10 fine (back seat).
  6. You can get a ticket for going too slowly because you’re impeding traffic flow. It’s probably best to just go the speed limit to avoid tickets for driving too fast and too slow.
  7. You cannot play in traffic, including using roller skates, toy vehicles, sleds, etc. The exception to this rule is if you’re using a bike or playing in a crosswalk.
  8. If you’re in an accident that involves death, injury, or property damage of $1,000 or more, you are required to report it to law enforcement.
  9. If law enforcement or other emergency services need to remove vehicles from the road, they are legally allowed to do so.
  10. Driving through cemeteries is illegal unless you are there for a burial or visiting a lot.


Craft Law Offices is here to support you with your traffic needs. If you violate any of these laws and are now facing fines or traffic court, call 252-752-0297 for your free consultation with Leslie Craft.