Required Bankruptcy Documents

Prior to your first meeting with your bankruptcy attorney, gather what you can from this list. Also, please print and complete our intake form. We will discuss the list in detail during our bankruptcy consultation.

  1. All paystubs or pay advices for you and your spouse for the past 6 months.
  2. Copies of tax returns for the past 2 years.
  3. Statements for ALL debts you owe to everyone (house, car, credit cards, medical bills –  even if you are keeping them and want to pay them).
  4. Bank statements for all bank accounts for the past 3 months, retirement/401k statements, stock statements, any other assets.
  5. Original loan documents for your house and all personal loans.
  6. Lawsuits, foreclosures, all legal documents.
  7. Copies of all titles to cars, boats that are paid for, copies of registrations if not paid for.
  8. Divorce documents, separation agreements, wills.
  9. A recent profit and loss statement for businesses as well as a year to date statement.
  10. Transfer documents if you have sold or given anything away (or put it into another person’s name).
  11. A completed Bankruptcy Questionnaire.
  12. A completed “before filing” credit counseling course certificate. This can be obtained from Abacus Credit Counseling. Our attorney code is ACC43365
  13. Your credit report obtained from
  14. A NADA clean retail value printout for every car or boat you own.
  15. Copies of any leases or contracts.
  16. A completed Intake Form

We know. It seems like a lot of paperwork, but believe us, by providing all of this information prior to filing it will save you time in the long run. If you would like your bankruptcy attorney to walk you through the process of completing your paperwork, it is important to let them know. Not filing your paperwork the right way can have major consequences later on in your case.

Visit or call any of the Craft Law Offices for additional information and advice on these documents.

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Financial dilemmas and traffic incidents happen. Craft Law Offices can guide you through the bankruptcy process or traffic system with the understanding and compassion you deserve.